Next week, The NEW Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan will commence - on Tuesday, the 21st of May 2024.
It has taken 18 years to "correct" the Great Sand Marine Park and REMOVE the "anomaly" that was the Red Cross-hatched Great Sandy Designated Area. This has only been possible with your ALL support and that of our broader local communities!
Large mesh gill nets and ring nets ( previously operating under N1 and N2 fishery symbols) will be prohibited from Conservation Park (YELLOW) zones in Baffle Creek, Elliott River, Burrum River system, the Great Sandy Strait and Tin Can Inlet, which will greatly assist in re-building local fish stocks and support the region's nature-based lifestyle and recreational tourism sectors.
You can view more details on the NEW Zoning plan via the link below:-
The Fraser Coast Fishing Alliance ( FCFA ) and I thank YOU for supporting this cause and campaign calling for the red-cross hatching to be removed - And it has!
Please share with your colleagues and members.
Scott Mitchell
Chairman FCFA
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