South Queensland Amateur Fishing Clubs Association.

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Fishing Marketing
Written by Bruce Alvey
Created / Updated on Thursday 25th of April 2019

I think you will all be aware that the term "Recreational Fisherman" has been used by Fisheries Queensland in describing the participants in black marketing operations of fish for too many years. After writing to the Minister again, Sunfish has been contacted by the Minister of Fisheries Hon. Mark Furner who has assured us this will be changed in future. People carrying out these illegal activities will be referred to as just "Fishers"

We thank the Minister for supporting this change.

However, while we are talking about this subject, I would like to ask all fishing groups in Queensland to remind their members and friends that breaking the fishing regulations can carry heavy penalties. So always measure your fish and observe possession limits which do change occasionally - so be aware. (Eat your fish in the freezer regularly, do not let it build up.) . The law also states “possession of fish” so you can be prosecuted for excess fish or illegal fish regardless of the circumstances.

In Queensland it is illegal for recreational fishers to use your catch for any type of financial gain. You can give your fish away but remember you are responsible for the quality of this fish and any repercussions this act may cause. Giving away fish with any expectation of “reward” is also illegal as is “bartering” fish for services. You cannot raffle recreationally caught fish to raise funds for any reason. (This is legal in NSW for “Charities” but not in Qld.)

Thank you for your support and for participating in a wonderful healthy activity which can be fun for the whole family and provide one of the best meals you can eat.

Good Fishing.

Kind Regards
Bruce Alvey
Chair Sunfish Queensland Inc.



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